Monday, October 4, 2010

PDF DRM Systems

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is quite vital when it comes to protecting intellectual property. Not many people are confident storing information on the internet as PDF files for the fear of someone stealing them. LockLizard offers PDF security software to aid you in securing your information. This is highly secure PDF DRM software prevents hackers stealing your documents.

The PDF DRM solution you chose has to be able to prevent unauthorised viewing, copying, editing or printing of the PDF document. Not only this, the PDF DRM system should ensure that printouts are made to real printers and not to temporary file storage locations.

Before purchasing the system, establish if your PDF DRM supplier can control screenshots; if not, you are not getting what you bargained for. You should also determine if the PDF DRM controller can regulate licence replication across networks. This may lead to your PDF document being accessed by the whole network.


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