Friday, October 28, 2011

Encrypting your PDF documents effectively

By encrypting your PDF documents you are making sure that only people with the decryption key (read authorized parties) can access their contents. There are several ways of encrypting PDF documents, with the most basic method being the use of password systems but they have been made obsolete courtesy of password-cracking tools.

The best way to do this therefore is to use non password-based encryption software such as the one developed by LockLizard. Locklizard use an encryption algorithm that is approved and used by the US government, AES, and which is available in key lengths of 128 and 256 bits. The revolutionary PDF security system from i.e. Safeguard PDF Security uses AES 256 bit for encrypting PDF documents and files and uses public key technology rather than passwords. This software also goes a step further to incorporate digital rights management rights controls, which are used to regulate what authorized users can do with your documents with respect to operations such as copying, saving, sharing, printing, and so forth.

Effective Adobe PDF Information Security

After you have created your PDF document it is now time to impose Digital Rights Management controls over it to protect it from unauthorized editing, copying, printing and sharing. You can achieve secure adobe PDF documents and files by using LockLizard’s Safeguard PDF information security software. You can be sure of this PDF information security platform because documents protected by it can only be accessed through LockLizard’s Safeguard Secure PDF viewer.

There are several advantages of using this viewer as opposed to other PDF viewers. These include the fact that it does not make use of plug-ins as these have been known to compromise a system’s security, it prevents running of JavaScript which has repeatedly been used to launch malicious attacks on computers, and that it does not need to be updated every time Adobe creates an update. With this software you can also secure adobe PDF documents against third-party screen grabbers.